
Understanding Your 'Wellness Why'

August is National Wellness Month. You’ve probably heard lots about taking care of yourself – eating healthy foods, exercising, and getting enough sleep. These are all important parts of being well.

But there’s something even more important: understanding why wellness matters to you.

Everyone has their own reasons for wanting to be well. Maybe you want to have the energy to do the things you love. Or maybe it’s because you want to be strong and healthy to spend time with your family and friends. It could be that you dream of exploring the world and having amazing adventures. Whatever your reason, it’s special and important.

To help with finding your “Wellness Why”, ask yourself:

  • How does my wellness impact my present and future?
  • What impact does my wellness have on my daily life, and my future potential?
  • What things do I love doing?
  • How can being well help me keep doing those things?

Understanding why wellness matters to you personally can make it a lasting part of your life. Knowing why you do something is like having a compass for your life. It helps guide your actions. When you understand your reasons, it feels right, like your mind, heart, and body are all working together. This makes you feel focused and helps you do things that matter to you.

What does it look like to keep your why central to your wellness journey? A Forte member who watched her elderly parents spend most of their time alone discovered her why: building and maintaining strong relationships. She realized she was spending most of her day at work or at home, so she joined a creative art class and asked a neighbor to join her on regular evening walks. Another Forte member found their why while recalling being an elementary school student when they learned their grandfather had passed away from heart disease. Knowing he had missed out on creating memories with his grandfather, they didn't want that experience for their own children or future grandchildren. They decided to take up weekend bicycling, an activity they hadn't done in a decade.

Many studies show the importance of a clear purpose in our health. People with a clear why tend to be happier, healthier, and live longer. A strong sense of purpose can help manage stress, make healthier choices, and increase happiness.

Before you try the newest health trend, take a moment to think about how being well fits into your life. This National Wellness Month, Forte encourages you to reflect on your "Wellness Why." Start by completing this sentence: "It is important for me to prioritize my wellness because...” Don’t rush to answer it because you want the statement to be true to your life journey. Say it out loud, share it with a friend, write it down.

Remember, trained Forte Guides are a great resource for exploring your "Wellness Why" or anything else on your mind.