SoulCare® Practices

Living Simply: Finding Joy in the Essentials

My husband and I always laugh at how quickly our kitchen island fills up again after we clear it off. It looks spotless for about an hour before clutter sneaks its way back! Can you relate?

Like our kitchen counters, life tends to get cluttered fast. We fill our days with tasks, our homes with things, and our minds with endless distractions. But what if we paused and returned to the essentials?

Simplicity is letting go of the “extra stuff” so that we can make more room for what truly matters. When we create space in our lives—mentally, physically, and emotionally—we can see our own needs and the needs of others more clearly. This empowers us to take an active role in shaping our environment, rather than letting it shape us.

What Does It Mean to Live Simply?

Living simply doesn’t mean getting rid of everything you own or doing less just for the sake of it. Instead, it’s about making intentional choices. When you practice simplicity, you take a closer look at your life and ask, “What truly adds value to my day? or, What can I let go of?” Simplicity is about focusing on what’s important and letting go of the rest.

For example, you might decide to clean out your closet, removing clothes you never wear. Or you might cut down on the number of tasks you try to juggle each day. But it’s not just about physical things—it’s also about mental and emotional clutter. Simplicity helps you clear out the worry, stress, and distractions that take up valuable space in your mind.

The Benefits of Simplicity

When you start to live more simply, you’ll notice some amazing changes. First, it brings a sense of peace. Without so much clutter around you (and in your mind!), it’s easier to focus and feel calm. You also create more time and energy for what truly matters to you—whether it’s spending time with loved ones, working on a passion project, or taking care of yourself.

Living simply can also bring more moments of delight into your life. When you focus on the essentials, you begin to appreciate the little things. A quiet morning, a shared meal, or a few moments of stillness can become more meaningful. The less clutter you have in your life, the less likely you are to miss those moments that bring happiness, connection and meaning.

How to Start Living Simply

Here are a few easy ways to start practicing simplicity today:

  • Declutter one small area: Start with a drawer, a closet, or a shelf. Get rid of what you don’t need and organize what’s left.
    • My husband and I started implementing what we call "micro cleans" into our evening routine. If we're watching TV, we'll take advantage of the commercial breaks and tidy up around the house. These little moments of intentionality allowed us to go to bed feeling more peace and resolve.
  • Simplify your schedule: Look at your daily tasks and ask yourself, “What can I let go of?” It’s okay to say no to things that aren’t important.
    • Consider having a brief family meeting, or self check-in, at the start of your week to have a better understanding of your schedule that week. Look through your commitments and evaluate how you're feeling about them. If you notice your calendar is overbooked, be proactive about what you can say no to and create more margin for yourself.
  • Take a digital break: Try cutting down on scrolling social media and the 24-hour news cycle. Use that time for something that brings you peace, like reading, walking, or spending time with a friend.
    • As the weather in Texas begins to cool down (finally!), I have started spending more time outside without my phone. Whether taking my dogs on a walk around the block or sitting in my backyard while I drink my morning coffee, these screen-free moments have become a treasured time to be present and enjoy the outdoors.

Forte's SoulCare® Philosophy

At Forte, we believe that caring for your soul is just as important as caring for your body. The SoulCare® practice of simplicity is all about helping you make space for what matters most in your life. By practicing simplicity, you’re not just decluttering your home or your schedule—you’re creating room for joy, peace, and balance in your heart and mind. And when you create this space, you’ll find that you can live a fuller, more meaningful life.

Simplicity isn’t just a practice; it's deciding how to approach life in a way that serves your well-being. It’s feels counterintuitive, but having less really can give you more—more peace, more connection, and more meaning. When you shift your focus to the essentials, you open yourself up to experiences that leave you feeling much richer.

So take a deep breath, look around, and see what you can let go of to make room for what truly matters!