SoulCare® Practices

A Closer Look at the Best Way to Boost Happiness and Wellbeing

In our busy lives, we often forget about one of our greatest assets: our relationships and community. Research consistently confirms this as the key predictor of overall well-being and happiness. Doing a "relationship check-up" can help us see how our connections are doing and make them better.

Why Community Matters

At its core, a community is a group of individuals connected by shared values, interests, experiences, or goals. It could be a tight-knit neighborhood, a monthly book club, a group that volunteers together, a recreational sports league, faith group or a shared hobby group that meets regularly. Communities offer support, understanding, and a sense of belonging – intangible assets that are invaluable to our mental and emotional well-being.

Community plays a crucial role in our mental wellbeing. It gives us support, helps us feel like we belong, and makes us stronger. Here are some key reasons why community is important, along with real-life examples to illustrate each point:

  • Support and Belonging: Having people around who care about us gives us emotional support and makes us feel valued.
    • Example: Think of Sarah, who recently moved to a new city. She felt isolated until she joined a local book club. The group’s warm welcome and shared love for reading helped her feel part of a community and gave her a sense of belonging.
  • Growth and Resilience: A strong community helps us grow and become more resilient. When we face challenges, our community can provide the encouragement and resources we need to persevere.
    • Example: When John lost his job, his friends and neighbors rallied around him. They offered job leads, reviewed his resume, and even provided emotional support. This collective effort helped John stay positive and eventually secure a new position.
  • Less Loneliness: Being part of a community reduces feelings of loneliness and isolation. Knowing that there are people who understand and care about us can make a significant difference in our mental health.
    • Example: Alex, a college student working part-time at a fast food restaurant, felt very lonely after moving away for school. He joined a local sports club, where playing and practicing with others not only filled his free time but also helped him make new friends and feel more connected.
  • Shared Experiences: Communities offer diverse perspectives and shared experiences that enrich our lives. Engaging with others helps us learn, grow, and appreciate different viewpoints.
    • Example: In a multigenerational neighborhood, a group of families organized monthly potluck dinners to get to know their neighbors. These dinners allowed them to meaningfully connect, learn from one another, and build stronger bonds.

4 Questions for Your Relationship Check-Up

Here are four simple questions to help you think about the health of your community:

  1. Do I have people in my life I can rely on?
  2. Do I have people in my life to share my thoughts and experiences with openly and honestly?
  3. Do I have regular, deep conversations with the people in my life that goes beyond small talk?
  4. Do I have people in my life that I can learn from and grow alongside?

If you answered "no" to some of these questions, don't worry, you're not alone! Finding community can be difficult in our modern times. Use your reflections to think about how you can deepen existing relationships or explore new ways to connect with others.

Community Looks Different in All Stages of Life

At Forte, we understand that community looks different at various stages of life. Whether you're a student, a working parent, or senior manager, the importance of having a supportive community remains the same. Our SoulCare® practices emphasize the value of community as a core element of overall well-being.

Empathy is key—everyone’s community is unique and evolves over time. What matters is having connections that make you feel supported and understood. A high school student might find community in their school clubs or sports teams, while a new parent might find it in a parenting group. No matter what stage of life you're in, your community should help you feel connected and cared for.

Forte and Workplace Wellbeing

Companies partnering with Forte are taking a significant step towards improving their employees' wellbeing. By providing a safe, confidential space for employees to talk about life, work, and everything in between, these companies are fostering a supportive environment that benefits everyone. Through our SoulCare® practices, we aim to help individuals and communities thrive.

Workplaces that prioritize community and connection see numerous benefits, including increased employee satisfaction, better teamwork, and higher productivity. When employees feel supported, they are more likely to be engaged and committed to their work.

Interested in bringing Forte to your team? Book a free demo to learn more.

Taking Action

Incorporate regular "relationship check-ups" into your routine and see how it positively impacts your life. A healthy community can lead to a happier, healthier you. Take a moment today to reflect on your relationships and consider ways to strengthen your connections. Reach out to someone you haven't spoken to in a while, join a new group or activity, or simply spend quality time with your loved ones.

At Forte, we are here to support you in building and maintaining a strong, supportive community. Our Guides are ready to offer confidential conversations and wellness resources tailored to your needs.

Interested in learning more about how Forte can help your team and organization thrive?

Book a demo today to discover how we can make a difference in your workplace wellbeing.