Company News

Kaylee Pinkerton Joins Forte As New Communications Manager 🎉

We are excited to welcome Kaylee Pinkerton as our new Communications Manager! 🎉🎉

Get to know our new hire! We asked Kaylee to share a little bit about herself, what drew her to Forte, and what mental wellness looks like for her in this season of life:

Hi there! 👋 My name is Kaylee Pinkerton. I currently live in Dallas, Texas with my husband Forrest and our new Vizsla puppy, Betty. I’m so excited to be joining the Forte Team as the new Communications Manager.

The first thing that stood out to me about Forte was the vision to “transform humanity from merely surviving to thriving” - what an important and impactful mission for the world we live in today! I'm grateful for the ways trusted people in my life (mentors, friends, coworkers, etc.) have served as my own version of a ‘Guide’ by creating safe spaces for me to be known, heard, and understood. These relationships have been a true source of mental wellness for me, and I am passionate about creating opportunities for others to experience that for themselves.

The second thing that stood out to me was the Forte Team. I’ve been blown away not only by the talent of this team, but even more so how evident their heart for the vision is in every decision they make as an organization. I’m honored to join them and to learn from them as we seek to share mental wellness with the world!

My top three mental wellness practices in this season:

1. Going on a walk around my neighborhood with Forrest & Betty 🐶

2. An iced vanilla latte in the afternoon ☕️🧊

3. Game nights with friends (lately our game of choice has been Dominoes or Monopoly Deal) 🃏

Kaylee, we are so glad you're officially on team!